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May 1830: the first steam locomotive service in Britain
Ah, May 24th, 1830, the day that changed the way we travel forever. It was on this day that the first steam locomotiv...
24 maja, 2023
May 1536: Anne Boleyn executed
On May 19th, 1536, Anne Boleyn, second wife of King Henry VIII, was executed for treason. Her downfall and execution ...
19 maja, 2023
May 1660: the Restoration
May 29th, 1660. The Restoration of Charles II marked the end of the Interregnum, a period of republican rule followin...
10 maja, 2023
May 1940: Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the UK
On May 10th, 1940, Winston Churchill became Prime Minister of the UK, just as Germany launched a massive invasion of ...
10 maja, 2023
May 1979: Thatcher becomes the first female Prime Minister of the UK
On May 4th, 1979, Margaret Thatcher made history as she became the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom....
4 maja, 2023
May 1707: Acts of Union
On May 1st, 1707, something big happened in Britain. No, it wasn’t the invention of tea bags or the discovery of a ne...
1 maja, 2023
The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833: A Turning Point in British History
The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 represents a momentous milestone in the struggle for human rights and freedom in th...
1 sierpnia, 2022
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